Wednesday, July 13, 2011


    It's always weird to be in that middle place, in between things. I feel that a lot right now. I am finally querying for my book that I've been working on off and on for the last 3 1/2 years. Exciting stuff happening, but nothing I need to actually work on on a day to day level. I’m also playing around with a new idea for a book. It is completely different from my last manuscript: no fantasy, no teenagers, okay, so it is set in Europe, but still. The idea is pretty strongly formed, but the storyline and characters still aren’t completely solid in my head, so I’m still in the thinking stage. And the idea of actually writing something new – from scratch – is a little weird (and very exciting) since I’ve been trapped in the revising stage of my last manuscript for forever!

    As I mom, I pretty much only get nap time to myself. This tiny hour and a half window to cram in all the writing I’ve been thinking about since the day before, and the time has never felt long enough. But now that I’m a bit listless, it feels like it stretches on forever. I’ve caught up on my reading, have wasted plenty of time on the internet and am not quite ready to hunker down and write yet. Guess I should get a new hobby, or finish up my bedroom remodeling that I pushed to the side to get my book done, or clean my kitchen.

    Or maybe I’ll just keep lying around reading blogs.

    Saturday, July 2, 2011

    First Post

    One mosaic
    In honor of sending out my first query letter to an agent this week, I am starting my blog. Hopefully I’ll be a little better at it this go round than the last (which lasted about two weeks and a four blog posts), since I’m actually finished with my manuscript this time!!!

    It’s a little surreal to be in a place where I actually feel good about letting my little story go, sending it out into the world. It’s been a LONG time coming!

    So if you are reading this… Welcome! I’m excited to share my journey of (hopefully) getting published with you.